Furnished Rental

A furnished rental is a property that is rented out with furniture and appliances, making it ready for immediate use by guests.

Why might a host choose to offer a furnished rental?

Offering a furnished rental can attract guests who are seeking convenience and a home-like experience. It can also differentiate a property from others, potentially attracting more bookings.

How does MadeComfy assist me with managing a furnished rental?

MadeComfy can advise on the appropriate furnishings for your property to appeal to guests, and manage all aspects of your furnished rental, from listing and bookings to cleaning and maintenance.

What should I consider when furnishing my rental property?

Consider factors such as the comfort and durability of furniture, the needs and expectations of your target guest demographic, and the style and appeal of the furnishings. MadeComfy can provide guidance based on these factors.

How can offering a furnished rental affect my bookings and revenue?

Offering a furnished rental can enhance guest satisfaction, leading to positive reviews and potentially more bookings. However, it's important to factor in the costs of furnishing and maintaining the property when calculating potential revenue.

How can I handle issues or disputes related to furnishings?

Handling issues or disputes related to furnishings effectively is crucial for maintaining guest satisfaction. This includes responding promptly to issues, resolving them efficiently, and communicating clearly with guests. MadeComfy's services include handling guest issues and complaints.
